Oodi, Helsinki

10 Fragen an Tiina Pyre

Uns alle verbinden gute Geschichten und die Leidenschaft, Kinder und Jugendliche für diese zu begeistern. Im Rahmen der Bücherkinder-Interview-Reihe möchte ich diese Menschen vorstellen.

Who are you and what work do you do with children’s books?
My name is Tiina Pyre and I am part of the Children’s and Youth team at Helsinki Central Library Oodi, in Finland.

How would you describe yourself right now, in three hashtags (#)?
#tired #but #happy

Which book is at the top of the pile on your bedside table at the moment, and why?
I have no book stacks on my nightstand; instead, my books are in a straight line. This line includes everything from picture books and comics to adults’ fiction books and poetry. One of those books is Loppu by Mats Strandberg, because colleagues recommended it.

How does your work with or for children and young adults influence how you see today’s world and our society?
Working with children and young adults brings hope to a very bleak time at the present.

What’s the driving force that keeps you working with children’s books?
Children’s books are diverse, they respond well to current topics and most of all they are very beautiful.

How do you get potential non-readers fired up about books?
When you have been developing your knowledge of children’s and young adults’ literature,
you are able to tell about a book in an interesting way which excites the reader.

What makes a good children’s book for you?
A story which respects children’s or young adults’ age and whose language is beautiful and functional.
Also in children’s books successful illustrations are highly significant.

How has your work changed with increasing digitalization?
The book and the story are still a central part of my work, but now they can be handled with more diversity.

Which social networks do you use, and why?
We use Facebook and Instagram for our information and marketing because they are the most used social networks.

Who else should we definitely interview?
Whoever – everyone is interesting!

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